Stella Newsletter

Exceptional results for HSC dancers...

Evan Browett

Head of Performing Arts

HSC Dance Excels

Congratulations to the HSC Dance students who ALL received two CALLBACK nominations for their practical works. CALLBACK is a selective showcase of outstanding performances and projects from HSC dance students and will be held at the Seymour Centre in February 2025 (similar to Art Express for Art). The girls have worked very hard, choreographing all of their own pieces, and deserve this recognition of their exemplary performances. The following girls have been nominated and await final selection:

Callback Nominations

Roisin C - Major Study Performance
Roisin C - Core Performance
Ella D - Major Study Performance
Ella D - Core Performance
Vianney S – Major Study Performance
Vianney S - Core Performance

Auditions for Extension Jazz Company

Auditions for Extension Jazz Company will be held on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 11 September – 7:30am – 8:30am – Combo
    I will teach a combo which you will learn and perform in small groups of 3-4.
  • Wednesday 18 September – 7:30am – 8:30am – Technique & Same Combo
    You will be taken through corner technique exercises in kicks, jumps and turns and will then perform the same combo from the week before.
  • Wednesday 25 September – 7:30am – 8:30am – Callback
    I will call back any students who I need to see again.

If you would like to audition but cannot make each of these Wednesday’s then I would suggest coming to the first day – 11 September – as this is the most important day. However, the more you can attend, the better I can get to know your skills and ability.

If you would like to audition but cannot attend this term, there will be a small window of opportunity to audition for this group at the start of next year. However, you will have a better chance if you can attend this term.

Please Note: All other Extension Company Groups (Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip Hop etc), Company Groups, and Ensemble Groups, will be auditioned at the start of 2025.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

Happy dancing!

Miss Jones -Teacher of Dance